Skin Blemish Removal

Carolyn Claypole

  • Advanced Electrolysis Specialist
  • Lecturer / Speaker
  • 28 years clinical experience
  • Member of The British Institute & Association of Electrolysis

Skin Blemish Removal

Carolyn Claypole, 54

  • Electrolysis specialist and lecturer
  • 28 years of clinical experience
  • Over 17 years lecturing, writing courses and assessing
  • Delivered education for Sterex Electrolysis International Ltd, Birmingham / Skin Group International, London / Peterborough Regional College, Cambridgeshire / Stamford College, Lincolnshire
  • Delivered Skin Blemish Removal training to Canadian electrologists in Toronto
  • Guest speaker at the AGM of the American Electrology Association, Vegas
  • Owner of Electrolysis & Skincare Studio in Stamford, Lincolnshire since 2014

Eye treatments

The delicate tissue around our eyes changes as we age due to friction, exposure to the elements and lifestyle. Many lesions begin to develop such Skin Tags, Xanthelasma, Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra, Cherry Angiomas and Milia. All of which are treatable using Advanced Electrolysis techniques. In the hands of an experienced, licensed practitioner, the results are fantastic!

Electrolysis has been documented in the medical publication, The Lancet, dating as far back as the 1920's. Electrolysis was first developed in 1875 for treating ingrowing eyelashes. Modern equipment and techniques have ensured that electrolysis is an extremely safe and effective method of treating unwanted skin blemishes close to the eye.

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Skin Tags; fibro epithelial polyps

Cause: Friction, age

Identification points: Floppy, soft protrusions, skin coloured or pigmented, attachment is smaller than the body of the tag. located within folds of the skin

Treatble areas: Eyes, underarms, below/between breasts, groin, waistband, buttocks

Treatment: Advanced Electrolysis, safe, quick & effective

Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra

Cause: Genetic/hereditory, age

Identification points: Soft brown and black spots, a condition commonly found on Asian and Black skin types. Often mistaken for moles. The attachment to the skin has a 'lip' border, unlike moles

Treatble areas: Eyes, face, neck and body

Treatment: Advanced Electrolysis, safe, quick & effective. Due to the gentle precision of this treatment the lesions are successfully treated without any hyper or hypo pigmentation.

Facial Thread Veins; Telangiectasia

Cause: Many causes, such as, alcohol, exposure to weather, harsh products, trauma to the skin, any time the skin flushes causing the capillaries to dilate, over time, results in visible thread-like vessels

Identification points: Bright red, thread-like, commonly found around the nose and cheeks

Treatble areas: Face, neck and upper chest area only

Treatment: Advanced Electrolysis, safe, quick & effective

Blood Spots; cherry angiomas

Cause: Genetic/hereditory, age

Identification points: Bright red, even, flat or dome-shaped lesions. There are no vessels present. Even in colour, size and attachment

Treatble areas: Eyes, face, neck and body

Treatment: Advanced Electrolysis, safe, quick & effective

Milk Spots; Milia

Cause: Dry skin types, sun creams, heavy products, cholesterol, genetic

Identification points: White, round, lumps, commonly found around the eyes and cheekbones of the face. As the develop they become firmer. Extraction is difficult as they are located within blind-ended ducts

Treatble areas: Eyes, face and neck

Treatment: Advanced Electrolysis, safe, quick & effective


Cause: often linked to high cholesterol

Identification points: Pale, yellow plaques found above and below the eyes within the eye socket. The lesions will become more raised and noticeably paler as they develop. 

Treatble areas: Eyes

Treatment: Advanced Electrolysis, safe, quick & effective. Depending upon the severity of the condition, the plaques are reduced down, this condition is not prevented, unless the root cause is addressed.

Warts; Seborrhoeic Keratosis

Cause: Genetic, age and friction

Identification points: The attachment of this lesion looks like the wart has been 'stuck' on the skin. There is a clear defined lip at the border. These warts are not viral and often dry and crumbly in texture.

Treatble areas: Face, eyes, neck and body

Treatment: Advanced Electrolysis, safe & effective. Thick dark lesions take longer to treat as they are fibrous and established. With young and newly developed lesions the treatment is very quick and effective. As this condition is genetic new lesions will develop over time. It is recommended to have the lesions treated as they start develop. 


Cause: Viral

Identification points: The striations of the skin part around the lesion, indicating that it is a verruca and not a corn. Often black spots can be seen.  

Treatble areas: Feet

Treatment: Advanced Electrolysis, safe and effective. The treatment creates an inflammatory response, allerting the immune system to the 'dormant' virus cells. This method treats the verruca on the surface and within the dermal layers where the verruca is seated. Treatment can be repeated every 6 weeks, if necessary. 

Health & Safety - important information

How do we know if a skin lesion is treatable?

Identification points: All lesions are 'individually' assessed through a magnification light during a thorough assessment prior to treatment. All skin lesions have their identification points. If any single lesion cannot be 100% identified it will not be treated.

Although not all lesions are treatable it doesn't necessarily mean there is a problem. It may simply mean the desired results are not achievable. 

Tip: We do recommend that if you have a lesion that you are concerned about to take a clear photo of it on your mobile phone to monitor any changes.